Where are Kent Bullion?
Kent Bullion host valuations events across the South East. We cater not only for those who expect the best prices, but also those who appreciate pleasant surroundings, a good atmosphere and discretion.
Please click on Events and Appointments to find when Kent Bullion are next in your area.
Visits to Kent Bullion's office are strictly by appointment only.
A home visit/private appointment service is available subject to schedule.
Who are Kent Bullion?
Kent Bullion are a family owned Kent firm specialising in the valuation of jewellery, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum), vintage watches, coins, medals and collectibles.
The company host valuation events in Kent, Essex and at their premises and have built up a discerning customer base all over the South East.
The company works on the simple premise that people are not given fair value by jewellers and nationwide chains and antique dealers for their precious items.
Kent Bullion is licensed to trade by Kent County and Medway Councils.
Certificate No. GSM1020-00012
Pay more than the competition for silver and platinum;
Host our customers in a pleasant environment;
Talk to customers about their items instead of treating precious items disrespectfully;
Build a relationship with all customers;
Offer the best solution - some jewellery items are worth more to collectors than they are as scrap;
Providing a local service to local people.